GA Central Rehab Clinic

Offering the most effective consulting and medical care for neurological problems.

Offering the most effective consulting and medical care for neurological problems.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of neurological problems and get in touch with one of our highly trained neurologists to receive prompt and efficient treatment. A neurological issue could have several potential origins. The primary issues that the neuro patients were dealing with were recent head injuries, brain trauma, headaches, spine problems, and other dysfunctionalities of the area of the body. Common neurological disorders seen at rehab clinics include, but are not limited to, post-stroke acre and spinal cord disorders.


Often the headaches and the spine problems cause balance issues as well, to which the patient might think about the neurological problems, but those problems are also cured by the physical and the acupuncturists here in our rehab center.

The clinic not only provides the complete diagnosis and the check, but the after services are also provided to convey the complete and effective treatment till the patient does not get cured completely. Frozen shoulders and car injuries that hit the patient worst such conditions are also observed, diagnosed, and then treated by our specialists. Experts here focus on the other co-related problems and the conditioner related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. After the proper checkup, the patient is looked after completely till the condition becomes normal. Low back and neck pain are severe conditions and need a great diagnosis; therefore, one should not ignore such cases and get a thorough and detailed analysis. Oral therapies are provided to the patients, and such conditions are treated under the supervision of a highly qualified physical therapist and an acupuncturist.


Topmost actual At the Georgia Central Rehab Clinic, physical therapists and acupuncturists are readily available, and it is not difficult to make an appointment with any of them. If the diagnosis is made too late or takes too long, severe complications may arise. If there is a problem, perform an immediate checkup, and find a solution as soon as possible.